Én Chance - Changes

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Én Chance - Changelist


 * Code cleanup.
 * Added some minor things.
 * Fix teleporter.


 * Improved API.
 * Fixed bugs

Bad Mobs

 * Ingen chnagelog

Biomes O' Plenty

 * Added foliageHeight and foliageDensity options for GeneratorBigTree


 * Updated to MC 1.10.2


 *  Dropped 1.9 Support
 *  Lots of improvements to the rendering backend for easier usage by resource packs and mods
 *  Improve performance even more!


 * Fixed JEI problems

Custom Backgrounds

 * Updated to MC 1.10.2

Custom Main Menu

 * Fixed: When installed with liteloader the game would hang when pausing ingame, to fix this i removed the compability patch that allowed the liteloader menu to show up in custom menus. Just access it from the options menu :-)


 * updated to 1.10.2


 * Fixed critical Rendering Outline bug with ATI graphics cards.
 * Fixed middle mouse button not working in creative to copy block.

Ender Core

 * Initial 1.8.9 Release

Ender Zoo

 * Updated to 1.10

Fast Leaf Decay

 * Changed: Reduced the number of block updates caused by Fast Leaf Decay (For example growing saplings won't cause any updates anymore)


 * 		Add GetCollisionBoxesEvent. Allows manipulation of the collision boxes for moving entities and entities stuck in walls. (#3397((https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/3397)))


 * Added Pulling Upgrade recipe
 * Allow Pulling Upgrade direction to be set

Inventory Tweaks

 * Attempt to fix build

Iron Chests

 * Inge changelog

Journey Map

 * Mob dots and icons now come in two sizes. Players can be shown as dots or icons. Minor style changes to both.
 * Bugfix: All-white mobs and other texture-related mayhem
 * Bugfix: Waypoint teleporting initially disabled in SSP, even when cheats enabled
 * Reduced CPU usage

Just Enough Items

 * Update zh_TW.lang (#631((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/631)))
 * Update zh_CN.lang (#630((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/630)))
 * Protect against crashes in plugin's isRecipeValid call (#632((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/532)))
 * Relax item checking when deleting items in cheat mode (#624((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/624)))
 * Fix #621((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/621)) Add tab button sounds
 * Fix #610((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/610)) Blank description category
 * Fix #629((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/629)) Properly detect when GuiTextField are focused
 * Log a stack trace when restarting JEI
 * Update ja_JP.lang (#622((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/622)))
 * Update ja_JP.lang (#619((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/619)))
 * Protect against mods reloading JEI from the network thread (#607)
 * Use IdentityHashMap for the uid cache used for startup
 * Create uk_UA.lang (#605((https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/issues/605)))
 * Update Forge and MCP

Limited Lives

 * Ingen changelog

Malisis Core

 * Ingen changelog

Malisis Doors

 * Fixed hi-tech door being instant minable.
 * Fixed mod loading for 1.9.4.


 * Improve config syncing between server and client

Missing Pices

 * Addresses recipes using hardened clay, updates models for wedges and pillars to remove gaps between blocks, AND shelves now populate correctly without having to touch them.


 * Now Requires MTLib
 * Added chisel comands back


 * Fix nasty crash bug


 * Initial Release

Multipage Chests

 * - updated to 1.10


 * Fixed end sky custom color
 * Added CEM animation operator "%" and function "fmod(x,y)"
 * Added option Advanced Tooltips - shows extended information for items and shader options (F3+H)
 * Extended the shaders "#include" parser to add "#line" directives with file and line numbers
 * Updated CTM overlays to work for transparent blocks
 * Added xporb animation duration (xporb.time in color.properties, value in ms)
 * Compatible with Forge #2125

Pam's Harvestcraft

 * HarvestCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2h Cross Compatibility - Well, Thanks for all the Fish
 * Added: Well Block (three iron ingots on each side, stone blocks down the middle)
 * Fill vanilla Minecraft buckets and glass bottles with water
 * Click on it with a Fresh Water in hand, get more Fresh Water
 * Fixed: All HC fish (anchovy, bass, trout, etc) can be put in the crafting grid to turn them into vanilla Minecraft fish

Random Things

 * Added: Magnetic Enchantment (Drops from Blocks mined with a tool that has this enchantment go straight in your inventory instead of dropping)
 * Added: Blaze And Steel (The fire created by this spreads much quicker than vanilla fire)
 * Added: Returning Block of Sticks (Works like Block of Sticks but when breaking it returns to your inventory instead of vanishing)
 * Changed: The Player Interface texture is no longer animated because huge animated textures cause performance problems on certain graphics cards.
 * Changed: Made the brown variant of the Rainbow lamp less hideous
 * Changed: Reduced Climbing Speed on the lesser magic bean
 * Changed: The Item Collector now uses IItemHandler instead of IInventory
 * Fixed: Crash on World Load
 * Fixed: Crash when using JER to profile the overworld
 * Fixed: Trying further to prevent CME caused by Redstone Interfaces
 * Fixed: Prevent other Mods from Spawning Monsters in the Spectre Dimension
 * Fixed: Don't spawn Beans in the Nature Chest if they are disabled
 * Fixed: Check whether entity has space before spawning one with the Nature Core
 * Fixed: Crash when the Igniter tries to place Fire where it can't
 * Fixed: Crash when looking at a Filtered Item Redirector
 * Fixed: Crash when a chunk with a redstone interface is loaded
 * Updated: Baubles API
 * Due to updating the Baubles API Random Things now required Java 8. There isn't a reason to not update to it though so it should be fine.

Resource Loader

 * Changed: Resource Loader is now marked as a client side only mod so it doesn't crash servers anymore if added

Shadow MC

 * Fix exception caused by sending spamless messages from the server (fixes Sleeping Bag issue)

Sleeping Bag

 * Allow the sleeping bag to be used by right-clicking air
 * Use spamless messages

Tinker's Construct

 * Hotfix for broken encoding in chinese translation


 * Update to 1.9.4 and latest forge.
 * Thanks to KovuTheHusky, gigabit101 and shadowfacts for their contribution on this one

Waila Harvestability

 * Add support for new player-specific getHarvestLevel (inadvertently avoids an error when holding Tinkers Construct tools)